Match Bookings
Match Bookings
Open Matches
At Messingham Sands Fishery we aim to hold open matches on a daily basis, when lake availability allows. All matches are open to all anglers of any ability. Thursday Open matches are restricted to over 50’s only. The use of lakes for Open matches vary and a weekly a schedule will be posted on our Facebook page.
Booking is normally not required for our Open matches, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are temporarily asking all anglers to book onto the Open matches and pay pool via Pay-Pal before 6pm of the previous day of the Match. Details of how to book on is provided on the weekly schedule on our Facebook page.
Fishing times do vary but are typically 10:30am - 4:30pm in the summer months and 9:30am - 3:30pm in the winter months with the draw taking place between 8 - 9am on the morning of the match. Open match results will be available on our Facebook page on the evening of each open match.
Club Matches
No matter how big or small, at Messingham Sands Fishery we always try and cater for our club matches who have shown their commitment to us over the years. If you are a club secretary or match organiser who wishes to book a match with us please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will do our upmost to accommodate you where possible.
Pegging fees are £9.00 per peg for matches booked in 2024 and will increase to £9.50 per peg in 2025. We require a deposit when bookings are made of a minimum of £2 for every peg booked.
Our Match Diary is now open for the 2024-25 season
To make a booking on Swan Pond (incl. Little Swan) or Island Lake, please contact George on 07900 265981.
To make a booking on Tripp Lake, Hollywood Strip or Hollywood Bowl, please contact Kevin on 07908 492382.
If we are unable to take your call, please leave us a voicemail message containing your name and telephone number and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Prior to getting in touch with us to book your match, we advise you to view our lake availability calendar to ensure the lake you require is available on your chosen date. The lake availability calendar is updated on a weekly basis. However, there may be rare occasions when your requested pegs have already been booked i.e. if two people have requested the same pegs on the same day.
We will always try and accommodate your booking where possible, but in the rare event that this occurs, we will give preference to the first person who called us to book on. We do apologise if this ever occurs.