Float only match lake just North of the main complex...

Tripp Lake is situated within a secluded woodland area located to the North of the main Messingham Sands Fishery complex. The lake is used for match fishing only and has a float only restriction which has made it an extremely popular venue for both club and open matches with parking available behind every peg. No non-fishing visitors are allowed on the site which reduces any bank side disturbance to an absolute minimum whilst matches are in progress.

Depths vary around the lake with the main body of the lake (pegs 1-8 & 26-34) being around 12ft deep. Other areas of the lake (pegs 9-25) are often referred to as the ‘shallows’ with depths between 5-6ft. Pegs 19-25 are in the ‘cut’ which is around 16 metres wide.

Tripp Lake is heavily stocked with the primary target species being Carp which range from 1lbs up to low doubles, F1’s ranging from a few ounces up to 3lbs, Crucian Carp, Skimmers and Ide. Other species such as Roach and Silver Bream are present and can provide plenty of bites during the worst of the winter weather.

Peg Locations

What You Need To Know...


4.0 acres (1.6ha)
Pegs: 37




Bronze / Silver Bream
Crucian Carp

Best Baits:

Bread, maggots, pellets, corn and meat.


During the warmer months, Tripp Lake responds well to baits fished up in the water or in the shallow depths of the lake, in particular the margins with the deeper areas of the lake providing excellent sport during the winter.

Tripp Lake is a venue where any angler can fish to his strengths using his/her preferred tactics.


The Tripp Lake is a float only match lake and can only be fished in pre-booked and open matches.

No practice or pleasure fishing is allowed. We feel that by restricting this lake to matches only, the use of the lake is preserved, generating larger weights for our match anglers all year round. If you wish to book a match with us please get in contact with us and we will do our upmost to accommodate you for the dates you require.

For more information on match bookings please see our Match Bookings page.